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Python: Formatting Data with print() Statement
Formatting Data with print() Statement
There are many ways to present the output of a program, data can be printed in a human-readable form, or written to a file for future use.
print() supports formatting of console output. You can choose how to separate printed objects, and you can specify what goes at the end of the printed line.
There are several ways to format output.
To use formatted string literals, begin a string with f or F before the opening quotation mark or triple quotation mark.
The str.format()method of strings help a user to get a fancier Output
Formatting output using String modulo operator(%)
The modulo operator (%) is usually used with numbers, in which case it computes remainder from the division.
The % operator can also be used for string formatting.
In general, the string formatting operator is used like this:
<format_string> % <values>
On the left side of the % operator, <format_string> is a string containing one or more conversion specifiers. The <values> on the right side get inserted into <format_string> in place of the conversion specifiers. The resulting formatted string is the value of the expression.
Python’s data format characters
Symbol Description
%c character
%s string
%d signed decimal integer
%i integer
%u unsigned decimal integer
%o octal integer
%f floating number
%e exponential notation with lowercase e
%E exponential notation with lowercase E
%x hexadecimal integer in lowercase
%X hexadecimal integer in uppercase
Example: Write a Python program to find the area of a triangle given that its base is 20 units and height is 40 units.
base = 20
height = 40
area = 0.5 * base * height
print("The Area is: ", area)
The Area is: 400